Archive for June, 2011

Fighting Chutzpah With Chutzpah – Taking Down The Bullies!

June 30, 2011

From a comment submitted to WIS

Fighting Back the Mesira Mob

I found the article bellow very relevant to what has been going on in Crown Heights for the past 35 years.

Glenn Beck is: The good residents of Crown Heights who involved themselves in doing good things and standing up for whats right.

The Liberal Mob is:  The Mossrim of Crown Heights. Which includes the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc. (as defined by WIS) and the Mishichist party and co. (which is one of the same as the CHJCC).

Glenn Beck Vs. The Mob
by Ann Coulter

Of all the details surrounding the liberal mob attack on Glenn Beck and his family in New York’s Bryant Park last Monday night, one element stands out. “No, it won’t be like that, Dad,” his daughter said when Beck questioned the wisdom of attending a free, outdoor movie showing in a New York park.


Efraim Setton and Paul Huebner Arrested For Assault

June 29, 2011

Levi Paul Huebner in the official lawyer for the CH Shmira which in under the leadership of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc.

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI]Efraim Setton and Levi Paul Huebner were arrested Wednesday morning after they beat up another Jew and attempted to flee from police.

The incident took place at around 8:15am in front of 836 Montgomery Street near the scene of a car accident, where Setton attacked another Jewish man, kicking him and knocking him to the ground and proceeded to pummel him, kicking him in the legs and face.


Lesson Of The Day: Don’t Throw Stones

June 27, 2011

Our Rabbis taught: A man should not remove stones from his ground on to public ground. A certain man  was removing stones from his ground on to public ground when a pious man found him doing so and said to him, ‘Fool, why do you remove stones from ground which is not yours to ground which is yours?’ The man laughed at him. Some days later he had to sell his field, and when he was walking on that public ground he stumbled over those stones. He then said, ‘How well did that pious man say to me, “Why do you remove stones from ground which is not yours to ground which is yours?”‘ (Baba Kamma 50b)


For Heaven’s Sake – The Tell Tale Signs of Destructive “Machlokes”

June 26, 2011

by Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov, Jax Fl.

Izzy sat faithfully at his wife Norma’s side, every day for several months, as she slipped in and out of a coma.

One day as Norma came to; she looked at Izzy with tear-filled eyes. “Izzy, my Izzy,” she said, “You have been with me and stood by me during my toughest times:
When I lost my job, you were there.
When my first hairdressing business failed, you stood by me.
When I got hit by that car, you were with me.
When we lost our dear Jonathan, you were there for me.
When my health started to fail, you stayed by me.”


Can I Get A Loan?

June 24, 2011

CHJCC Filing For Fiscal Year 2008-2009

Regarding: Crown Heights Jewish Community Counsel Inc.

Definition: What Does Receivables Mean?
An asset designation applicable to all debts, unsettled transactions or other monetary obligations owed to a company by its debtors or customers. Receivables are recorded by a company’s accountants and reported on the balance sheet, and they include all debts owed to the company, even if the debts are not currently due.

Who are the directors who took these loans?


Crown Heights Cover-Up?

June 24, 2011


2008: Alon Sherman who was viciously beaten to the point of unconsciousness

THE EVENT 2008: Yet Another Bochur Viciously Beaten and Robbed


Click here to read more…

Menachem Mendel Hendel Above and Beyond

June 23, 2011

274 Kingston Ave. Brooklyn, NY: The Premises, designated as a student dormitory shall be used and maintained as a student dormitory.

Regarding: 274 – 276 Kingston Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11206
Cross Street(s): Eastern Parkway and Lincoln Place

Chaired by:
Menachem Mendel Hendel (a.k.a. Mendy or Mendel Hendel).

City Zoning laws for the above location is maximum three floors so how is it that Mendel Hendel was allowed to construct a building of five floors?


Menachem Mendel Hendel, Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim and 749

June 21, 2011

Chaired by:
Menachem Mendel Hendel (a.k.a. Mendy or Mendel Hendel).

Mr. Hendel reported giving over $100,000 from his non-for-profit  to Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim.


Exclusive: 3 Recordings Of 311 Call By Shmira Member Yitzchok Shuchat On Shavuot

June 18, 2011

Regarding: Everyday Is A Good Day For Mesira


The Puppet Master

June 16, 2011


Chaired by: Menachem Mendel Hendel (a.k.a. Mendy or Mendel Hendel)

As a life long resident of the Crown Heights Jewish community  it was always obvious that the leader of the Messianic movement (Mishichistim) was Menachem Mendel Hendel.


Mishechistim Mossrim Terrorize Shliach in 770 – Steal His Teffilin + Exclusive Photo Revealed

June 15, 2011

Mishichistim Mossrim throwing holy books and benches in 770 Eastern Parkway

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A Shliach was the victim of Tzfati terror while in 770, after much verbal harassment his Tallis and Tefillin were stolen.

The incident occurred yesterday, Tuesday, in downstairs 770 where a group of Tzfatis, who are in Kevutzeh, began harassing the Shliach. The Bochurim were upset over the Shliach encroaching on ‘their own’ mushrooms territory.



June 12, 2011

Dispute Over Messiah Goes to Court

June 12, 2011

WIS was doing some digging and found the following article which was  never before posted  on WIS.

By Alessia Pirolo – The Brooklyn Ink

A prayer in the Court of Justice during a break of the trial against six members of the Jewish Patrol Shomrim. Photo: Pirolo/BrooklynInk

Six members of the Orthodox Jewish patrol Shomrim were back in the Brooklyn Supreme Court yesterday, on trial for allegedly attacking yeshiva students in Crown Heights two years ago.

But among the spectators were those from the ultra-Orthodox community who believed that it was one of their victims who instead should have been on trial – for making his accusation public.

Joshua Gur, known as Shuki, had a long black beard that made him look like older than his 23 years. He wore a skullcap emblazoned, in Hebrew, with the words — “Long life to Rebbe Messiah, he never left the world.” Gur is among those Lubavitcher Hasidim – which is based in Crown Heights – who believe that their late Rebbe, or spiritual leader, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Scheneerson, who died in 1994, was, in fact, the Messiah. Believers keep an eternal vigil at his grave.


Everyday Is A Good Day For Mesira

June 10, 2011

The date is May 20, 2010 (7th of Sivan 5770)  the second day of the Jewish Holiday of Shavuot.  Shavuot marks the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. The Ten Commandments are read in synagogues just as they were in the desert on Mt. Sinai over 3,300 years ago.

On this very holy and important day, Shmira Member* Yitzchok Shuchat located in the holy land of Israel about 6000 miles from Brooklyn, New York  lodges 5 complaints against a resident of Crown Heights Brooklyn using the 311 system.


Confidential Informant Yaakov Prager

June 5, 2011

What is a confidential informant (CI)?
A confidential witness is someone who has seen a crime committed and due to security reasons comes forward in secret to report that crime.

They are sometimes asked to report the names of people they know who are engaged in criminal activities.

Confidential informants work for the government, often secretly, to gather and provide information or to testify in exchange for cash or leniency in punishment for their own crimes. Unlike witnesses, informants are motivated by self-advancement. An informant can be a useful law enforcement tool – a necessary evil – if used properly.

A Confidential Informants will receive a C.I. identification number. If and when arrested for a crime committed all the C.I. has to do is give the arresting officer his C.I. number and his hand cuffs are removed, making him a free man.


Menachem Mendel Hendel: Traveling First Class

June 2, 2011

Free meals, three times daily in first class


Chaired by: Menachem Mendel Hendel (a.k.a. Mendy or Mendel Hendel)

In 2002 Mr. Hendel filed a total of $6,574 in travel fees.

In 2003 Mr. Hendel filed a total of $43,546 in travel fees.


New Details Revealed: Yaakov Prager Gives Shuchat Up

June 1, 2011

Yitzchok Shuchat and Yaakov Prager

Many details of what went on the night Shmira coordinated an attack on Andrew Charles were unknown, until now.

April 14, 2008 Shmira Member Yitzchok Shuchat beats up Andrew Charles. In interviews following the incident, and in an attempt to do damage control, Shmira administrator Yossi Stern claimed that Shuchat was “off duty” that night. Was Stern lying to the media? Who from the Shmira coordinators knew about the attack? Was Shuchat instructed to do so? New details are revealed in court documents released Sunday. What is striking about this information is how much Shmira Coordinator Yaakov (Yanki) Prager was involved in coordinating the attack. But what is most striking, is Prager seems to be one of the few who knew, affirmatively, that Shuchat was the attacker, with his foreknowledge of the investigation against Shuchat, Prager  instructs him to flee.
