Archive for May, 2012

NY Republicans propose ‘clearly unconstitutional’ ban on anonymous online comments

May 24, 2012

Source: The Daily Caller

Remember, it all started in Crown Heights

Nearly half of the Republicans serving in the New York State Assembly have proposed legislation that would ban anonymous online comments.

If enacted, the legislation would require websites — including social networks and online newspapers — to remove all anonymous comments that are brought to the attention of administrators.

An anonymous comment could remain if the author “agrees to attach his or her name to the post and confirms that his or her IP address, legal name, and home address are accurate.”


The Intolerance of Liberalism

May 21, 2012

Interchange ‘Liberal’ to ‘Meshichistim’ and it all fits right in to the situation we have with the Meshichistim and the dictators of Crown Heights.

RUSH: I’m sitting here thinking more about the ideology of intolerance, the classic liberal. That intolerant teacher in North Carolina was a bully, telling her students that it was criminal to criticize Obama. You know, when you get right down to it, maybe one of the best ways to explain liberalism to the uninitiated is to simply say that it is intolerant. It’s a philosophy of “no.” It’s a philosophy of domination and “no,” and it’s not at all what people think it is.


War On Internet Is A War On Information

May 20, 2012

Another propaganda letter from the B.S. (Braun & Schwei) gang

We all know that the Crown Heights Beth Din is nothing but a tool/proxy/puppet of the Cabal that is the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, Inc. Anything (for example: letters, statements, edicts and even Psak Dinim) this so called Beth Din has done (past and present) has been on direct orders of the cabal who run the corrupt CHJCC. This fact became very obvious with THIS letter, which when coming under extreme fire was defended by non other then the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, inc. Why was it defended by the CHJCC? Becuase it was written by the CHJCC.


Shmira Mesira Pushkas…Where Does The Money Go?

May 20, 2012

From the inbox

I noticed you haven’t posted anything about the Shmira in a long time, after all they are practically non-existence and irrelevant when focusing on the major corruption that takes place at the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, inc., however they -the Shmira- are still soliciting money and people who don’t know (the difference) might be giving and therefore I feel that this is indeed necessary, the public must know.

I noticed this Shmira Pushka at the counter of one our local supermarkets and have seen a few at other stores and I wondered…

Who physically put this pushka there?


Mendel Hendel’s Eshel Hachnosas Orchim: Charity or Business?

May 17, 2012

The Eshel hotel building: 274-276 Kingston Ave.

Regarding:  274 – 276 Kingston Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11206  Cross Street(s): Eastern Parkway and Lincoln Place
Organzation: Chabad Lubavitch Hospitality Center Eshel Hachnosas Orchim Inc.
Chaired by: Menachem Mendel Hendel (a.k.a. Mendy or Mendel Hendel).
