Henna White

Mosser Henna White

Name: Henna White

Employers: Kings County District Attorney Brooklyn, New York

Some facts regarding Mrs. Henna White that has come to WIS attention is recent days:

The Mosser Chanina Sperlin got Mrs. Henna White her job at the Brooklyn’s District Attorneys office. (one of the three jobs Chanina Sperlin has created in 15 years of “service” to Crown Heights and what do you know, it’s a job that helps Chanina Sperlin and Gang carry out Mesira against fellow Jews).

Information out of the DA office is that it was Mrs. Henna White which pushed (with unprecedented pressure) that the Shomrim Six be fully prosecuted in the court of law.

Henna White got a phone call from Chanina Sperlin to get to work (owing him a favor for the job) and she did just that.

Somehow the Shmira Mesira people had information about all the court proceeding’s  before the Defendants in the case (the Shomrim Six) knew. The Shmira Mesira got a play by play as to what was happening and what was going to happen (before it did).

Its saddens WIS that there are Jews using their intergovernmental powers for the sole purpose of getting their fellow Jews in trouble (with Messira etc…).

As time goes by more and more of the truth will be exposed, this is the nature of things. WIS and many others are not going to rest as long as there is injustice taking place. By the end of this year (5771), ALL will be exposed.

A Failed Mesira: The Mossrim want to know why???

Moser: Chanina Sperlin – Out Of Touch

3 Responses to “Henna White

  1. WhoIsShmira? Says:

    (2/16/2011) Demonstration against Henna White’s offices last night

    Multiple protesters were assaulted and had their placards destroyed today, February 16, 2011 by and enraged Steve (Shlomo) Zackheim, a man with a criminal background . These people assembled on this blustery and bitter cold evening in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn NY on behalf of their friends who have suffered injustice. After putting their trust in Kings County liaison Hanna White, and disclosing critical details pertaining to their particular case, they were then betrayed in the worst way possible.


    Accusations of Henna’s alleged illegal practices include gathering information from abuse victims under the pretense of providing them with referrals to services and assistance. It is alleged that her office has been double timing these victims. Allegedly, the knowledge that the victims are seeking to file an order of protection, then gets channeled to her attorney husband, Asher White, who advises the abusers “off the record”.

    There is supporting evidence that once the abuser is awarded an order of protection, they then have access to grant money so generously funded for “victims” of domestic violence. Legal fees are paid for brand name attorneys to help the abuser get custody of the children, while the real victims are further victimized using the “legal” system., created to protect them in the first place. Many counseling and foster care organizations are closely linked to Henna White’s office. They rely heavily on her referrals to fill their quota with every child that is entered into their umbrella organization for counseling, or foster care.

  2. calany Says:

    Conflict of interest? Asher White representing offenders of Henna’s DV clients : http://calany.wordpress.com/2011/02/22/conflict-of-interest-asher-white-representing-offenders-of-hennas-dv-clients/

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