Central Yeshiva Tomchei Timimim Lubavitz of the U.S.A. Supports Mendel Hendel


Moshe meir gluckowsky-menachem mendel hendel-Central Yeshiva Tomchei Timimim Lubavitz of the U.S.A.Moshe Meir Gluckowsky, who manages the finances of the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Timimim Lubavitz of the U.S.A., has written a letter in support of Mendel Hendel running the 749 Mikvah.

Moshe meir gluckowsky-menachem mendel hendel-Central Yeshiva Tomchei Timimim Lubavitz of the U.S.A.-letterRelated:

Menachem Mendel Hendel, Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim and 749

Organization Overview: Central Yeshiva Tomchei Timimim Lubavitz of the U.S.A.

749 Mossrim In Crown Heights

Another Mosser Located At 749


One Response to “Central Yeshiva Tomchei Timimim Lubavitz of the U.S.A. Supports Mendel Hendel”

  1. CH Resident Says:

    Gluckowsky write in the letter above (4th paragraph).

    “Rabbi Raskin OBM, the Dean of the school, immediately called the boys that were involved and told them that they had no right to act on their own in the Yeshiva’s building. He also explained to them the potential dangers in their actions. He wrote a letter stating that the Yeshiva does not allow the building of a Mikvah on its premises.”

    Here is the letter that Rabbi Raskin obm wrote: This is contrary to what Gluckowsky claims above.
    749 Eastern parkway - mikvah

    The only reason Raskin states in his letter is that the Rebbe zt”l did not want the Yeshiva to build a mikvah.

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