Archive for December, 2013

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Op-Ed Asks; Are The Rabbis “Truly” The Leaders Of This Generation?

December 30, 2013

Jerusalem – In a recent thought-provoking op-ed, noted philosopher, and prolific author, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz discusses the fact that it has historically been the Jewish religious leaders, as opposed to political figure heads, who have “molded and formed” the “inner essence” of Jewry, and who have “set the course of the world” by acting as “the heads of the thousands of Israel” according to the Torah, and with that in mind, Siensaltz then proceeds to ask the poignant question; “Are the contemporary leaders of Jewry truly the leaders of this generation?”


A Call Of Action

December 28, 2013

the callMy position on this issue:

I agree with everything that was discussed at the Kinnus on Tuesday, 21  Tevet 5774 (December 21, 2013).
See: Thousands Gather to Address Community’s Proper Path and Rabbi Yoel Kahn: Chassidus is the Only Path to Spiritual Fulfillment and Happiness


Setting the Record Straight: Crown Heights Jews Vs. Blacks

December 15, 2013

Councilwoman-elect Laurie Cumbo-crown heights-brooklyn-new york-2013
Regarding: NYC Councilwoman-elect blames “knockout game” on FEAR OF JEWS

Councilwoman-elect Laurie Cumbo said what she meant and meant what she said. It was her that made the connection between the ‘Knock Out’ and what her fellow blacks were telling her. She made this connections because in her head it made total sense.


Letters of Distraction by Irrelevant CHJCC

December 14, 2013

Crown Heights-low information-irrelevant- Distraction News
So finally after three years of total irrelevancy we are once again honored to receive a letter with the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc. letter head.

I thought to myself, can this really be? Will this letter contain information as to what the CHJCC has been up to since the last elections of 2010? Will this be the letter that will inform us as to how they assisted the [Jewish] needy of this neighborhood? Will the corrupt Cabal of the CHJCC finally tell us how and where they spent $41 Million over the years?

No, it wasn’t anything like that…just another irrelevant distraction.


NYC Councilwoman-elect blames “knockout game” on FEAR OF JEWS

December 4, 2013

Source: The Right Scoop

NYC Councilwoman-elect Laurie Cumbo

You’d think NYC Councilwoman-elect Laurie Cumbo was an Arab living in Palestine the way this reads:

DNA INFO – Councilwoman-elect Laurie Cumbo, who was elected to represent Crown Heights starting in January, released an open letter Tuesday saying that many of her black constituents told her they feel threatened by the growth of the neighborhood’s Jewish community — and she fears the tension could be spiking the recent violence.
