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Everyone knows Yankle the Ganev Spritzer!

March 1, 2011

Mossrim and Ganovim Chatting it up: Paul Huebner, Yaakov Spritzer and Efraim Setton

If you were to walk the streets of Crown Height and ask people, who is Berel the Ganev? they will ask you back, Nu, who is Berel the ganev?

If you were to walk the streets of Crown Height and ask people, who is Yossel the Ganev? they will ask you back, Nu, who is Yossel the Ganev?

If you were to walk the streets of Crown Height and ask people, who is Zalman the Ganev? they will ask you back, Nu, who is Zalmen the Ganev? Etc… Etc…

There is only one name that (when heard) people will not ask you, Nu, who is he? and that is… YANKLE THE GANEV. Everybody knows who Yankle the Ganev is (no explaining needed).

Yankle the Ganev was also the first,  shall we say “the god father”  to make a vicious Meisra against fellow Jews, just so he can swindle property and money from them.

The sick dog Yaakov Spritzer has his only sister, his flesh and blood arrested…. I can’t even continue writing… I mean what can I add…see for yourselves.


אין התשובה ולא יום הכיפורים מכפרין אלא עבירות שבין אדם למקום…אבל עבירות שבין אדם לחברו…אינו נמחל לו לעולם, עד שייתן לחברו מה שהוא חייב לו, וירצהו

October 6, 2008

To all the Mosserim and evil doers out there…

You can pound your chest till it’s black and blue; you can swing a cow over your head; you can fast until you forget what food ever tasted like; you can even go to Mikva every day and 3 times before Yom Kipper; you might even feel like a big humanitarian by inviting a few [mishichistim] guest over…


Repentance and the Day of Atonement atone only for sins which are committed against G-d. Sins which are committed against one’s fellow man are never atoned for until one has paid any necessary fines to the person against whom one sinned, and discussed it with him.”

ב] ומה היא התשובה?–הוא שיעזוב החוטא חטאו, ויסירנו ממחשבתו ויגמור בליבו שלא יעשהו עוד, שנאמר “יעזוב רשע דרכו, ואיש אוון מחשבותיו” (ישעיהו נה,ז). וכן יתנחם על שעבר, שנאמר “כי אחרי שובי, ניחמתי, ואחרי היוודעי, ספקתי על ירך” (ירמיהו לא,יח); ויעיד עליו יודע תעלומות שלא ישוב לזה החטא לעולם, שנאמר “ולא נאמר עוד אלוהינו, למעשה ידינו–אשר בך, ירוחם יתום” (הושע יד,ד). וצריך להתוודות בשפתיו, ולומר עניינות אלו שגמר בליבו.

2) What exactly is repentance? Repentance involves forsaking sins and removing such thoughts from one’s way of thinking and resolving firmly never to do it again, as it is written, “Let the wicked man forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord”. One should also be remorseful over what one has done, as it is written, “For after I had returned away I repented”. One also has to testify to God that one will never return to that sin, as it is written, “…nor shall we say any more to the work of our hands”. All of these three declarations have to be made out loud.

ג] כל המתוודה בדברים, ולא גמר בליבו לעזוב–הרי זה דומה לטובל, ושרץ בידו, שאין הטבילה מועלת, עד שישליך השרץ; וכן הוא אומר “ומודה ועוזב, ירוחם”(משלי כח,יג). וצריך לפרוט את החטא, שנאמר “אנא, חטא העם הזה חטאה גדולה, ויעשו להם, אלוהי זהב”( שמות לב,לא)

3) Anybody who follows this procedure but does not resolve in his heart never to do it again is like someone who ritual immerses himself [in a mikveh] while holding a defiling object in his hand, for in that case the ritual immersion is useless. It has been said, “Whoever confesses and forsakes his sins shall have mercy”. One also has to detail one’s sin, for it is written, “Oh, this people has committed a great sin, and they have made for themselves gods of gold”.

ו] ואלו שאין להן חלק לעולם הבא, אלא נכרתין ואובדין, ונידונין על גודל רשעם וחטאתם, לעולם ולעולמי עולמים:  המינים, והאפיקורוסים, והכופרים בתורה, והכופרים בתחיית המתים, והכופרים בביאת הגואל, והמשומדים, ומחטיאי הרבים, והפורשים מדרכי ציבור, והעושה עבירות ביד רמה בפרהסיה כיהויקים, והמוסרים, ומטילי אימה על הציבור שלא לשם שמיים, ושופכי דמים, ובעלי לשון הרע, והמושך עורלתו.


6) The following types of people have no share in the World to Come, and are cut off, destroyed and excommunicated for ever on account of their very great sins and wickedness: An infidel; a heretic; one who denies the Torah; one who denies that there will be a Resurrection; one who denies that there will be a Redemption; one who converts from Judaism; one who causes a lot of people to sin; one who withdraws from communal ways; one who publicly sins in a defiant way like Jehoiakim did; an informer [against Jews]; one who instills fear in the congregation but not in the Name of God; a murderer; one who relates loshan ho’rah; and one who pulls back his foreskin [in order to cover his brit milah].

Because of your viscous Mesira 7 members of Anash (6 of who are Shomrim members) must show up to court, only 3 days before Yom Kipper to deal with your false charges. That is something Yom Kipper will not forgive for you!

There is hope still…

Following the laws of Idol worship, were the Rambam discuses the laws of a Mosier  is the laws of Tishuva-Repentance. Even if you have reacted the  lowest level you can always return and do the right thing.

Quote of the day:

August 17, 2008

“No matter how fast you run, your past will always catch you.”

Truth vs. propaganda

July 13, 2008
Proof of Mesira – the police report and the court papers that follow.

Proof of Mesira – the police report and the court papers that follow.

The following is a e-mail that was sent to W.i.S by a shomrim member. W.i.S encourages anyone who is been victimized by the messira etc. of shmira to send in their story

I was sitting at a Shabbos table with a host who was kind enough to have me over and in all innocents and without intentional viciousness tells me ” I received an email that so & so from shomrim massered on Yitzchak Shochat” I sat there looking at the host, gracious to him for having myself and my wife over, so I calmly took a deep breath and answered “what does so and so have anything to do with the incident involving Yitzchak Shochet? well he answered “I received the email” the absurdity of the answer did not promp me to continue the conversation , as I very well know that its the shmira messira moiser ganev gang that sent out the email. After all the shmira messira has a lot in common with the Palestinians cause they constantly masser on Shomrim and they need leverage so they spread e-mails that Shomrim members masser on them so they masser back after all they have no choice, its a cycle of violence according to shmira messira, they seek to make peace with a Shomrim that wants nothing to do with moisrem criminals gangsters etc. And they can’t understand why after all its easy for huebener to walk in the 71st Pct and masser its easy for Hertlze and Kovlovsky to masser why shouldn’t it be easy for Shomrim members to masser . well to make things simple that’s simply not what shomrim is about. I  can’t imagine myself walking in to the 71st Pct and massering, as just the though makes me sick. But now i have to go to court every week because stern prager huebener skoblo and their cronies had it in their fat heads that they were going to get me, so when I told my host for shabbos that the shmira messira moisser patrol had me arrested “I” “me” the one sitting at your shabbos table right here right now “not a bullshit email, that made him say ohhh, I didn’t know.


Quote of the day

July 10, 2008

This guy is not to be brought into the fold.  He is to be defeated.  And people like him. 

                                                                                              Rush Limbaugh

Jealousy: Cutting the Baby In Half

May 25, 2008

Shlomo Hamelech-cut the baby in half-JealousyWhat’s stopping shmira from expanding? Why did they say that they are willing to shut down if Shomrim shuts down with them? Why is their whole existence based on Shomrims non-existence?

The Haftorah of Parshas Miketz reveals to us the extent one can be driven when plagued with jealousy. The Haftorah relates the first court decision the wise Shlomo Hamelech rendered after assuming the mantle of leadership. It tells of two women who shared an apartment and both had given birth at the same time. Unfortunately, misfortune struck one of them and her child died in his sleep. One of the women claimed that her child was actually kidnapped by the other woman and replaced by the woman’s dead child and the other totally denied the accusation. Shlomo Hamelech immediately ordered for a sword to be brought and that the live child be divided equally amongst the two women. The true mother cried out and pleaded with the king that the child be spared and given to the other mother. But the latter calmly accepted the judgment and agreed to the slicing of the child. Shlomo immediately ruled that the woman who frantically expressed her compassion was the child’s true mother.


Shmira threatens Messira on Hatzalah member

May 21, 2008

Late Thursday at empire kosher supermarket, a member of Hatzalah was approached by two members of the Messira patrol, the Hatzalah member was asked by the Messira members why he did does not call shmira in emergencies, the Hatzalah member responded that “in times of emergencies the first number on my mind is Shomrim”.

The Messira members persisted in stating that shmira should be the number that Hatzalah should call in times when Hatzalah need emergency backup, the Hatzalah member answered that “he is personal friends with members of Shomrim”, he will always call Shomrim and will not now and not ever call the shmira in emergencies, the Messira members in front of eyewitnesses declared that “they will lock him up just like they locked up the Hershkops” the brave Hatzalah member replied that “my father was jailed in Russia by people like the Messira patrol, my grandfather was jailed in Russia by people like the Messira patrol and I am not afraid of you not now and, not ever.

These are the tactics shimira uses to intimidate members of the Shechuna to get what they want, what they want is legitimacy something they will never get and never have, they were born from lies and deceit and they will disappear from the same.

(To give credit: the owner on the store seeing what happened kindly asked the shmira Messira members to leave his store- so too we ask leave our community alone)