Archive for September 4th, 2010

Rabbi Bogomilsky: A Future For Crown Heights

September 4, 2010

Submitted by a Reader

The Talmud [Shabbos 31A]. A gentile approached Shammai and said to him: “Convert me but teach me the entire Torah as I stand on one foot.” Shammai, feeling that he wasn’t serious, chased him away. This gentile then approached Hillel with the same offer/request but was met with a very different reaction–Hillel agreed. The entire Torah on one foot that Hillel taught him was “that which you hate, don’t do to others”–a paraphrase of the command “V’ahavta l’rayacha Kamocha” [to love your neighbor as yourself]. “That is the entire Torah,” Hillel told him, “the rest is simply an explanation. Go and learn it!”

This Sunday we will be voting in an election that will take this community either up or further down. The results of these elections are the difference between light and darkness, good and evil (yes, Mesira is evil).

Will there be peace once and for all or will we have the same Machlokes, Mesira and regime of people who have pounded us with Machlokes after Machlokes.

[I must make a note: In the propaganda and hate we all saw over Shabbos, the hate mongers attempt to blame Rabbi Bogomilsky, Hershkop/Shomrim, Fisher etc… for “destroying this community”. For the past 10 years plus none of the above have gotten involved in any politics, whether it be regarding the Rabonim or Vaad.

The people who bring you these horror stories (propaganda and hate) have been running the show for the last 10 years all by themselves. Nobody got in their way; nobody wrote any letters against them (not thats its a crime to do so), we all just stood and watched them destroy themselves.

The sole people responsible for the destruction of Crown Heights and its Beis Din are those backing Rabbi Braun and trying to blame everybody for all the problems they caused. Sorry buddies the ball has been in your court for a long time and the results are what they are only because of you.

Anything that they bring up against anybody else pales in comparison to the damage and destruction they managed cause these past 10 years].

This Sunday you get to choose the future of Crown Heights for yourself, for your children and your neighbors. This is NOT about party lines.

I ask you all to have the following in mind:

If you were in need of a representative for a Din Torah, who would you choose as your representative, Rabbi Bogomilsky an experienced Rov for 40 years or would you take the new guy, you know nothing about?

[Just as you would search for a lawyer to represent you in a case. Who would you take the new guy or the guy who have been there and done that?]

The same principle would apply to picking a Rov for life.

Imagine a Beis Din being a Beis Din,

Imagine a Rov Being a Rov. Imagine your children can finally point and say “hay Tatty, there’s our Rov”.

Imagine a Din Torah being a Din Torah; A Psak Din being a Psak Din.

With Rabbi Bogomilsky we will have all the above.

With Rabbi Bogomilsky, we can finally have an end to the 770 court case.

With Rabbi Bogomilsky, we can finally put an end to Mesira.

With Rabbi Bogomilsky, we can finally have a Rov who does not take any slack from anybody.

A Rov who does not have to rely on any one body or group for his bread.

A Rov who has people listening to him and not the Rov listening to people.


Shomrim:Our Heroes

September 4, 2010

Video: Shomrim Of Crown Heights, News, Gadi Hershkop

Four Shomrim Volunteers Shot while Chasing Pervert

Related: Shomrim Apprehend Sicko, Police Make Arrest – Later let him go

Also: “They Took My Seemingly Small Loss Seriously, Thank You”

Shomrim Retrieve Stolen Moped

If WIS was to post every Shomrim story you would have to scroll down for about ten minutes.

When going to Vote today, have in mind that there is a group of people who want to shut down Shomrim and anything good in Crown Heights, these are the same people who want Bruan to win, Why is that?