Archive for May 5th, 2010

The Great Terror Attack By Hendel The Leader Of the Mesianic Cult

May 5, 2010

The Great Terror Attack By Mendel Hendel The Leader Of the Mesianic Cult – Lag Beomer from chexposed on Vimeo.

To View More (of the same) Video Click Here

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Many cameras were out there recording. If you recorded this Mishichist attack please send it to

This can and will be used in a court of law.

(WIS will figure this out and have everything back to normal)

Not being able to compete, the Mishichistim have taken their natural course of “debate”, they immediately started an harassing,threating campaign against the individual who posted the video on line. Although they have and still have their own video (of the same thing), with their propaganda, they nevertheless can’t stand when their are those of differences of opinion. Not everybody has the courage and stomach to withstand their terror, so it seems this individual caved.

WIS will not be pushed around, threatened and intimidated. WIS got straight to work (thanks to all those that helped), to make sure they don’t shot us up. The truth is still out their.
There is no excuse of justification for the reaction of the Mishichistim Mossrim.

negotiated a peace agreement

The Mishichistim say they had an arrangement made prior to the parade to say Yechi. Where is the document to prove this claim, where is any prove that this indeed did happen? and the Mishichist party they represent are known for their lies, deceit and propaganda. and the Mishichistim also told us, with 100% certainty that the Shomrim Six were guilty.

(Read about it HERE:
Hooligans Assualt Bochurim in 749,
HERE: Shomrim Members Face Jail Time and
HERE: Assaulted Bochurim Speak Out, read some of these comments, wow, they had the cat in the bag. We know how that turned out. (as a matter of fact, even the DAs office used the “reports” for their opening and closing statements in the court of law).

The same way the Mosrim/Mishichistim had permission from a Rov to go to court. Permission we are still waiting for, Hells, we don’t even know who this “Rov” is.
The same way the Din Torah with the Mishichist Mosrim which sat six weeks in court, was canceled.

I also found out, just today, that’s this story (Final: 56 Bochurim to return to Israel), posted on was not true, a straight out lie. No Bochurim were sent home.

So here we have a site/party that brings us lie after lie, telling us that they got permission, ye right.
We still await that video of 749, that proves 100% what you say.

And even, even if they did have some deal, how does that justify in anyway, doing what they did. Why not come after the parade with your evidence and then cry, that would have been more effective. But wait, you don’t have evidence.