Truth vs. propaganda

Proof of Mesira – the police report and the court papers that follow.

Proof of Mesira – the police report and the court papers that follow.

The following is a e-mail that was sent to W.i.S by a shomrim member. W.i.S encourages anyone who is been victimized by the messira etc. of shmira to send in their story

I was sitting at a Shabbos table with a host who was kind enough to have me over and in all innocents and without intentional viciousness tells me ” I received an email that so & so from shomrim massered on Yitzchak Shochat” I sat there looking at the host, gracious to him for having myself and my wife over, so I calmly took a deep breath and answered “what does so and so have anything to do with the incident involving Yitzchak Shochet? well he answered “I received the email” the absurdity of the answer did not promp me to continue the conversation , as I very well know that its the shmira messira moiser ganev gang that sent out the email. After all the shmira messira has a lot in common with the Palestinians cause they constantly masser on Shomrim and they need leverage so they spread e-mails that Shomrim members masser on them so they masser back after all they have no choice, its a cycle of violence according to shmira messira, they seek to make peace with a Shomrim that wants nothing to do with moisrem criminals gangsters etc. And they can’t understand why after all its easy for huebener to walk in the 71st Pct and masser its easy for Hertlze and Kovlovsky to masser why shouldn’t it be easy for Shomrim members to masser . well to make things simple that’s simply not what shomrim is about. I  can’t imagine myself walking in to the 71st Pct and massering, as just the though makes me sick. But now i have to go to court every week because stern prager huebener skoblo and their cronies had it in their fat heads that they were going to get me, so when I told my host for shabbos that the shmira messira moisser patrol had me arrested “I” “me” the one sitting at your shabbos table right here right now “not a bullshit email, that made him say ohhh, I didn’t know.


22 Responses to “Truth vs. propaganda”

  1. joe Says:

    except for the person who ratted on shuchat know one else knows who did it and can you please explain your statement, “after all its easy for huebener to walk in the 71 and masser its easy for hertlze”, the only time hertzel every walked into the 71 was when he was being arrested for no resson so i dont think you can xall that messira if anything someone proable told on him, your statement no make any sense

  2. may our good G-D bless you Says:

    I know I speak for many CHrs: you have help us a lot wether it was a boosed or us being afraid to walk home at night alone from the train or Ohle-torah.. you have help others in ways people can’t imagin, I’m amazed with the stores that are out there that are not being reported…. G-D BLESS G-4 BLESS G-d bless you…. I can not say it anough.

  3. help Says:

    I know I speak for many CHrs: you have help us a lot wether it was a boosed or us being afraid to walk home at night alone from the train or Ohle-torah.. you have help others in ways people can’t imagin, I’m amazed with the stores that are out there that are not being reported…. G-D BLESS G-4 BLESS G-d bless you…. I can not say it anough.

  4. mlaky. L Says:

    i have one Question for W.I.S. (or anyone) if a shmira member needed help with anything would you help him ??
    (or you would say he’s a moisser patrol and he not a jew- so what will it be)

  5. WhoIsShmira? Says:

    “i have one Question for W.I.S. (or anyone) if a shmira member needed help with anything would you help him ??
    (or you would say he’s a moisser patrol and he not a jew- so what will it be)”

    The fact is they are mossrim, so what do we do now?

    The RamBam can answer that for us.
    [3 prokim a day, 28th of sivin/July 1st]

    הלכות עבודת כוכבים פרק עשירי

    א. אין כורתין ברית לשבעה עממין, כדי שנעשה עמהן שלום ונניח אותם לעבוד עכו”ם- שנאמר: “לא תכרות להם ברית” אלא יחזרו מעבודתם, או יהרגו. ואסור לרחם עליהם, שנאמר: “ולא תחנם” לפיכך, אם ראה מהם אובד או טובע בנהר, לא יעלנו; ראהו נטוי למות, לא יצילנו. אבל לאבדו בידו, או לדחפו לבור, וכיוצא בזה- אסור, מפני שאינו עושה עמנו מלחמה. במה דברים אמורים? בשבעה עממין אבל המוסרים והאפיקורסין מישראל היה דין לאבדן ביד ולהורידן עד באר שחת מפני שהיו מצירים לישראל ומסירין את העם מאחרי ה

    Anybody out there cares to translate; by all means it would really be appreciated.

  6. malky.L Says:

    TO: W.i.s

    so you bring holy book – but im asking you as a person would you help ??

    and #1 more quesiton TO: W.I.S do you think all shmira members are bad moiser’s

  7. WhoIsShmira? Says:

    באר שחתdoom, hell, tomb, grave

    A Mossier sould have a one way ticket in the Mikva and that is in (not out). [We are in diffrent times so thats not going to happen, at least not in Crown Heights]. To go out of the way to help these low lifes dirty scum (any Mossier) ones that (as the Rambam says) מצירים לישראל ומסירין את העם מאחרי ה let them go to doom/hell/tomb/grave. NO WAY!
    How can some one even demand that such a person be helped.
    He’s locking up other Jews ,you’r family, you’r friend and YOU’R FELLOW COMMUNITY MEMBERS, and you want to give him a helping hand?. Maybe if THE MOSSIER needs a ride to the police station you can give him a lift, after all you must help another Jew, how is he going to get there? If the MOSSIER can’t speak, read and write english sould you be a kind Jew (”as a person” and translate for him, you don’t want him to make a fool of himself?

    Just plain stupit! G-d have mercy! this is what happens when you have people who “don’t even have a rudimentary second grade understanding of things” give their opinion.
    Now I understand the statment “when you are kind to the cruel you will end up being cruel to the kind”.

    DON’T BE A חסיד שוטה!

    Now to the smart ass that wrote this:

    malky.L Says:
    TO: W.i.s
    so you bring holy book – but im asking you as a person would you help ??
    and #1 more quesiton TO: W.I.S do you think all shmira members are bad moiser’s

    Holy Book? you mean Halacha?
    Halacha means “Way” or “Path”. Halacha is the application of the Law (Torah) to the everyday living of a Jew.
    I happen to be a JEWISH “PERSON” who tries his best to follow the Jewish “WAY”/”PATH”. So as a JEWISH PERSON we (me and you- now that you know or can find out that the shmira are Mossierim) are not allowed to help them.
    Every shmira member that knows what is going on, W.i.S believes that by now every shmira member does indeed know what’s going on and still is part of that gang, is guilty of association. This shmira member is saying “I know I am part of a group of Mossrim, I know that my “Leader” is a fat peace of shit, a low life and a looser but hell with that, this is the type of people I like being with, I relate to them”.

  8. Malky.L Says:

    TO: W.I.S -please don’t call me a smart ass you do’nt know me”
    — guilty of association–
    i think your going a little out of it i know there is hate . but i also know that there is good people in shmira .and if you want to say guilty of association
    then shomrim has there mad (bad) people are they everyone ‘NO.. ‘
    i could list people in shmira that are good people and don’t even get in to this fight ,SAME in shomrim ,so those people are good they are there to help and nothing more ….guilty of association i don’t really think so.
    i hope you get were im comin at – and i would like to have an answer if you can T*****

  9. antimesira Says:

    “shomrim has there mad (bad) people”


    All the bad people from shomrim are now in shmira.
    Yes, shmira has one or two good guys (who I think should be in shomrim, if they get in) but that still leave 98 bad apples (the good guys don’t stand a chance).
    If the leaders are bad then the whole organization is bad. Whats a body with out a head or a sick head?

    By the way: your first comment (if its only u writing under the name Malky.L) said you only have 1 question, But it’s o.k. BRING IT ON!

  10. a friend in shomrim Says:

    “A friend of mine whose in Shomrim told me that he joined Shomrim because he likes the people running it, he likes the system that they have, he likes the fact that every body knows each other, he likes the fact that if someone does something wrong he will be disciplined, he likes the fact that there a feeling of family amongst the units, he likes the fact that Shomrim does not take money from the community (and that every thing he does is from the heart). He said that if Shomrim was to join shmira then it’s not the Shomrim he volunteered to be in and he and ALL of his fellow units would leave (so in the end we are all left with just the garbage).”

  11. Anonymous Says:

    the papers cant even read

  12. WhoIsShmira? Says:

    Right now I’m just showing that I have them.
    When I feel like it I will put them up in large.
    So far the only ones to show W.i.S. any proof that they were indeed Mosserd on is members of shomrim.

    The white paper is the original police report; the other two are the summons they received every time they had to show up in court.

    [if you click on the picture it will enlarge]

  13. CHER Says:

    Even if a sharp sword is put by your neck, don’t give up hope because everything can change in an instant.

  14. CHER Says:

    Courage and principles…Fight or flight?

  15. exterminator Says:

    Fight for justice and you WILL win.

    Be a Mossier and there is no Tikva [hope] for you.

    A rat is bound to get caught on the trap, today, tomorrow it’s just a matter of time. His “friends” he was risking his life for to get food all those times, don’t come to help him, especially when that “friend” is the pig stern.

    Shomrim members, you guys do good work. I know that I can rely on you when ever I or my family needs help (big or small) 24/7. You are the people we knew and the people we trust. Your there when your needed.

    Like all the other Messiras this to will only end up in your favor.

    They (shmira/stern/sperling/mishichistim) can only take (by force) our hearts and minds, but they will never WIN over our hearts and minds.
    What we won’t give them they will take!
    It is only like people like you my dear shomrim members that people like stern etc… can’t get full control over us (the regular guy).

    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

  16. Dotherighthing Says:

    Why are you so surprised to find evil and corruption running amok everywhere you look? This world is the coarsest and harshest of all worlds, the ultimate concealment. Almost all of it is darkness and emptiness. Only a tiny spark of good is buried deep within to keep it alive.

    You could spend your lifetime dwelling on the outrages and scandals and things that are not right–or you could take a moment to search for that spark. You could find it, grasp it, and fan its flame. From within its aura, you will see the darkness shining brighter than the heavens. In that moment of light, the night will never have been.
    Fueled by your love, the light will swallow all that surrounds it.
    From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

  17. Emes means Truth Says:

    אבל המוסרים והאפיקורסין מישראל היה דין לאבדן ביד ולהורידן עד באר שחת מפני שהיו מצירים לישראל ומסירין את העם מאחרי ה

    wow, that is to say that not only are you not aloud to help them, if you see a Mosseir, lets say stuck on the highway with a flat tire, you should run him over.
    The Torah seems to really dislike the mossier, I wonder why the punishment is so strong for him.

  18. a fellow citizen Says:

    hi my name will be kept secret. I got into some trouble with the law for a crime I did not do. I was set up by the shomrim or shimra police in Brooklyn. I was at my friends house and it was getting late and I had no cab fare so I asked him to borrow his bike to go home. He let me borrow it. On my way home I made a stop on a quite block because I got tired I light up a cigarette and took the first few drags I looked to my side and a car door is just open next thing I no a trail blazer pulls up and this guy out his car start asking me where am I going and what am I doing I said I am going home who are you. Next thing I know 4 of them just come out the car and start yelling at me get on the floor and just jump on me pinning me down to the floor. My reaction was o shit there going to beat the shit out me and rob me. They tell me these exact words “we can either beat the shit out you and let you go, or we can call the sergeant” I said “call the sergeant I don’t got anything on me. they cuff my feet with plastic cuffs as the other was holding his knee in my back I said what did I do. They started talking in Hebrew. They took my wallet and slipped an EZ pass from the open car that was next to me. They slipped a dinner kitchen table knife in my pocket and 2 raw eggs in both my side pockets. They call the owner of the car said I broke in and stole his EZ pass. Now I am no bum I come from a good family why would I have eggs in my pocket especially when I am ridding a bike home. And why would I carry around a kitchen knife and even if I did you can not break into a car with that knife. When the real cops came they cuffed me on the spot and picked me up form the floor. patted me down and broke the raw eggs in both my side pockets. Then they found the EZ pass and the knife and the officer said what’s this I said they put it in my pocket. These Jews said to the me before the cop took me to the car they got you, one smiling and the other laughing. Who are they going to believe me the offender in there eyes or the 4 Jewish guys. now they are charging me with petit larceny. I am on your side I am Jewish too but I look like a Mexican or middle eastern they decide to mess with a persons life cause they have there racial issues against those kind of people in there Jewish neighborhood. I did not do anything just because i look Hispanic or Aribic dose not mean that your people can run around and do this to people and have a person life just crumble because of a bullshit charge witch then i would never be able to get a normal job even if i wanted too because of this. in fact i am Russian Jewish i am against those kind of people because i been bullied all my life. I will do whatever it takes to prove I am innocent. this is a racial issues that your people may deny and i want justice, i will get justice.

  19. a fellow citizen Says:

    someone please give me some legal advice what can i do

  20. WhoIsShmira? Says:

    what neighberhood did this happen in?

  21. Justice- no peace with shmira Says:

    Just change Hamas to shmira. change “suicide terrorists” with mossier and it all fits in.

    Actually, Joseph Masab has more than just regards to send to Israel. The son of a West Bank Hamas leader also tells the Israelis that they will never have peace as long as Hamas exists. He spoke to Haaretz from his new home in California, but Masab longs to return to Israel in peace as a practicing Christian (h/t: Meryl Yourish):

    “You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have peace with Hamas. Islam, as the ideology that guides them, will not allow them to achieve a peace agreement with the Jews. They believe that tradition says that the Prophet Mohammed fought against the Jews and that therefore they must continue to fight them to the death.”

    Is that the justification for the suicide attacks?

    “More than that. An entire society sanctifies death and the suicide terrorists. In Palestinian culture a suicide terrorist becomes a hero, a martyr. Sheikhs tell their students about the ‘heroism of the shaheeds.’”

    Culture of death — doesn’t that sound familiar? Golda Meir once said that the Middle East would have peace when Israel’s enemies learned to love their children more than they loved death. Masab plainly tells the Israelis that not only has that time not yet come, but that the death-worship has gained steam. The same warning applies to all forms of radical Islam. There simply is no room to negotiate with people in love with death.

    Maybe our own State Department should get in touch with Masab. We’ve done a pretty decent job of keeping sanctions on Hamas, but pushing Israel into negotiations with the Palestinians when they remain wedded to this death-cult doesn’t do anything to increase security in the region.

  22. lamentations/Acha Says:


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